Writing De/Extinction with James Bradley, Donna Mazza & Chris Flynn
Jessica White
In this episode, Jessica White chats with James Bradley, Donna Mazza, and Chris Flynn about the inspiration for and writing of their recent novels Ghost Species, Fauna and Mammoth—all of which consider the implications of de/extinction and, in one case, talking megafauna.
James Bradley OAM is widely recognised as one of Australia’s greatest critics and climate fiction writers—including the multi-award-winning, science-inspired novels Ghost Species(2020, Penguin), Clade (2015, Penguin) and Deep Field (2000, Henry Holt). Donna Mazza writes fiction and poetry, and is author of Fauna (2020, Allen & Unwin) and The Albanian(2007, Fremantle Press), which was a TAG Hungerford Award winner. Donna teaches at Edith Cowan University in Western Australia. Chris Flynn is the author of three acclaimed novels—Mammoth (2020, Text), The Glass Kingdom (2014, Text), and A Tiger in Eden (2012, Text). Mammoth was shortlisted for the 2021 Indie Book Awards Fiction prize.
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